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Kaleigh- September Mother of the Month

This is Kaleigh! Our Oakheart Mother of the Month for September! She has one beautiful son who is to fill the shoes of "big brother" to Kaleigh's first little girl, Journee. Journee is also lucky enough to have a second big brother <3 What a blessed girl! Kaleigh had a bit of a whirlwind through her pregnancy and despite it all, she continued to work so hard. Many friends and family members reached out to let me know what a wonderful individual she is! I asked Kaleigh, "What are you most looking forward to about having your baby girl? " " I can not wait to have her so that I can watch her grow through the different stages and watch her personality develop. I am so excited to see whose temperament she has and what traits of ALL of her different family she possesses! I am ready for my family to be complete. " "What's one thing that exists now that you wish you had during your first pregnancy/raising an infant? " "I only had my son 5 years ago so not to much has changed... One thing that may or may not have been around then that I am aware of now is the Owlet monitoring system. My first was a NICU baby and I think he slept through the night prior to me doing so after giving birth because I was so paranoid! I want one of these devices for this one even if just for peace of mind." "What's something you do during this pregnancy that you think other mother's should do?" Lean on friends and family for emotional and physical support. I faced a very hard time emotionally when finding out I was pregnant, as it went against everything I had planned (I WOULD NOT TRADE IT FOR THE WORLD NOW). Then I faced some unexpected twists and bumps along the way that made going through pregnancy hard. Even harder than being pregnant, in general. My family's support and my friend's support was the one thing that kept me going most days. My mother and grandmother were absolute angels and Godsends throughout the duration of my pregnancy. I have two best friends (Yvonne Williams and Breanna Sherburne) that were amazing and patient through the trials and tribulations. All of the above mentioned people have taken calls at all hours to deal with a wide array of emotions and gave advice or just encouragement. Not only am I blessed, but my daughter is also! I would recommend that expecting moms accept the help and support from their family and friends and not be afraid to reach out. I thought I would face it alone and not bother people and deal with it in my way, but turns out my biggest blessing in these last 9 months has been those around me cheering me on daily. I love them more than they know and it is a gift I could never repay."

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